See here for NHS guidance about illness and school attendance.
School is open 190 days a year. Children need to be at school, on time, every day so that they can learn and make good progress. School and you as parents/carers need to work together to promote your child's healthy attitude towards attendance and punctuality. This attitude will stand your child in good stead for their future in education and beyond.
Government guidelines state that ALL children should be in school for 95% and above attendance for the whole year. School monitors every child's attendance and will contact parents when attendance is a concern.
If your child is off for any reason, it is very important that you ring and leave a message to let us know (01298 22441).
Where attendance is below the expected level, we want to work closely with families to support improving this. Rachel Mellor, our family support worker, will give you a ring to check on anyone this has not contacted the school to explain why their child isn't in. If we notice a pattern of poor attendance you will be invited to a meeting with our Safeguarding Lead. This is a great opportunity to share any difficulties you might be having at home, and help us understand why school attendance is providing difficult. Sometimes an easy fix can resolve things. For example, setting up a reward chart or giving parents some morning routine tips. If we work together, attendance usually improves quickly. Where further, ongoing support is required, school staff will continue regular meetings and help as required.
School times
Doors open at 8.40 and close at 8.50 when school starts. School finishes at 3.10pm.
What if my child is ill?
If your child is unwell, please keep them at home until they are better. However, we do need them back at school as soon as possible, so rather than giving them an extra day "to make sure”, please send them in as soon as possible and we will contact you if we need to. If your child is frequently absent due to illness the school’s “Strategy for addressing high levels of Medical Absence” will be followed (copies available from the office).
What if my child has a medical appointment?
If at all possible, please make doctors and dentists appointments after school. If your child has to go to the doctor, dentist or hospital in school time, it is not acceptable for them to have the whole day off. Unless the appointment is first thing in the morning, children must come to school, be collected for their appointment, and then come back to school straight afterwards. If children are having regular absence for medical/dental appointments, evidence will be asked for.
What if we want to go on holiday?
We are no longer able to authorise holidays in term time. Please see Mrs Allin for more information.
What if I am ill and cannot get my child to school?
This is not an acceptable reason for children to miss school. We encourage parents to make contact with other families or friends nearby to help each other out when needed.
What happens in snowy weather?
If school is closed, an announcement will be made on High Peak radio and a text sent via the school text system and on Class Dojo. Otherwise, you should come to school as normal.
What if we oversleep and are late?
Please bring your child to school as soon as you can. If your child is late you need to come to the main school office to sign them in (this is a new health and safety regulation). Please note action is taken if children are regularly late.
Help and Advice
Our friendly family support worker, Rachel Mellor, is available to offer support and chat to parents. She can help with routines, sleep and behaviour, all of which can impact on attendance, as well as signpost families to support when they are having other difficulties. If you would like to speak with Rachel, please ask your child's class teacher or contact the school office.